Most common questions

By clicking the location icon Mobrage location FAQ's  the pin will be automatically placed at your exact spot. Move the map so the pin is at your precise location. If your precise location details aren't shown, allow the pinned location details in the text box. Click "Add manually," input your address information, and click "Save." Once submitted, the manually entered data will be visible in your profile. Remember to grant Mobrage permission to access your location in your phone settings while using the app.
Our goal is to facilitate swift, efficient, and secure connections between vehicle owners and experts, all while keeping our services 100% free of charge. To ensure the sustainability of Mobrage, we offer vehicle experts the opportunity to pay for and display ads on the homepage and within the forum.
Mobrage is 100% free to both vehicle owners and vehicle experts. We do not charge any commission fee from experts or demand payments for bookings received from clients.
At Mobrage, we take your data privacy seriously. Your personal data is safeguarded from third parties, including marketers and advertisers. We only retain the necessary information required for our platform to function effectively. To understand in detail how your data is used, please visit our Privacy Policy. Rest assured, we are fully compliant with GDPR regulations, prioritizing your data security.
To report a post or individual, follow these simple steps:

● Click on the three dots located at the top right-hand corner of the post.
● Select "Report" from the options.
● Follow the provided instructions and submit your report. Your feedback helps us maintain a safe and respectful community. Thank you for your cooperation!
To initiate a new chat, follow these quick steps:
● Click on the three dots at the top right-hand corner of the post.
● Select "Message" from the menu.
● A new chat window will open—start chatting right away!

To find vehicle experts, follow these simple steps:
● On the homepage, select "Service."
● Choose an expert from the displayed list.
● Submit a booking request or contact the expert directly.
Visit our "How It Works" page to explore more about our process!

Mobrage is 100% free to both vehicle owners and vehicle experts. We do not charge any commission fee from experts or demand payments for bookings received from clients. Experts retain 100% of the earnings they make.
To update your business profile as an expert, follow these steps:
● On the homepage, click on settings
● Select Business Information
● Update your business information and click "Save" to confirm the changes.
Experts can easily promote their business, special offers, sales, and more on Mobrage. These ads will be prominently displayed on the app's homepage and will run for 24 hours. For further details, visit our dedicated Advertising page to learn more
Currently, advertising on Mobrage is limited to experts only.
To delete your Mobrage account, follow these steps:
● Go to the "Settings" tab.
● Select "Delete Account."
● Enter your password to confirm the deletion.
To verify your business, follow these steps:
● Go to the "Settings" tab.
● Select "Verify Business."
● Upload a proof of business and click submit.