
Reach out to New & Existing Clients with Mobrage Ads

Promoting your business is a great way to reach out to thousands of new and existing customers with deals, sales and special offers quickly.

Mobrage Image-1 Advertising

How It Works

To facilitate visibility on our Platform, we allow our Vehicle Experts to purchase adverts on our app homepage.

The adverts are location specific and determined by cities as chosen by the relevant Vehicle Expert. Adverts will lead directly to the Vehicle Expert’s website.

All Adverts on our Platform must be automotive-related.

All adverts will be reviewed by Mobrage, after which they will be accepted or rejected. Notice of acceptance or rejection shall be communicated to the Vehicle Expert.

Advert requests must be submitted at the latest, 36 hours before the advert day. The review process will be within 24 hours and must be submitted at least 36 hours before the advert day. The adverts shall be charged in advance for each advert day as chosen by the relevant Vehicle Expert. Adverts will be charged at £8.99 per day and shall only be charged at the acceptance of the offer to advertise on the advert date.

An advert day shall run from 00:00 to 23:59 and shall be determined based on the timezone of the city selected by the relevant Vehicle Expert.

*Vehicle Experts only, Terms & Conditions apply